Top 10 cooking mistakes I see during my cooking classes

I have been teaching cooking classes to hundreds of people for over a decade now and the best part of the experience has always been sharing our passion for food, personal kitchen anecdotes, cooking tips and exchanging recipes.

loveSicily Blog

In these health conscious days, cheese is often the first victim in the diet of anyone trying to lower their cholesterol level.

Sicily's Easter processions and celebrations are the most famous in Italy.

Last October (2007) we had the great pleasure of meeting food writer Toni Lydecker during her trip around the island doing research for her forthco

Our long-term project of giving loveSicily a permanent location for our cookery courses has taken a huge step forward last week.

This week Sicily lost one of his greatest contemporary artists, Salvo Monica, a gentlemen admired by everyone for the beauty of his work and for th

The "Sagra del Mandorlo in Fiore" is a world famous celebration of spring, folk dance and music that takes place every year in the wonderful settin

Sant' Agata is Catania's patron saint and is celebrated in February from the 3rd to the 5th with one of the largest religious processions in Italy.

This year, Carnival celebrations will start around Friday, January 25 and finish on Tuesday, February 05, 2008.

As LoveSicily we do not offer a specific family tracing service for those who want to trace their families back to Sicily, however, over the years

The first of May - and the traditional celebration of workers rights and achievements - is celebrated by most Italians by taking a well-earned brea

It is always a pleasure for us when we receive news and pictures from the 'students' of the loveSicily cookery programme.