
The Importance of Seasonal Products

There is something about growing fruit and vegetables on the plant, naturally, with just the force of the sun that is hard to repeat in any greenhouse or other controlled environment. The end result tastes better, has more health benefits and has less of an environment impact. Even if you are not fully convinced on the health and environment benefits, keep in mind that eating in season just makes your job of preparing food so much simpler because everything tastes great already! Much less actual cooking is required.

Whenever we succumb to the temptation to buy food off season (and as food lovers it is hard to fight such temptations) we always regret it. This month we were guilty of both buying slightly early eager to taste it again (watermelon in May) and too late (oranges in late May).

Invariably, after taking the produce home and tasting it, you are disappointed because it is just not what you expected. You know how it should taste because you've eaten it in season before and what you have in front of you is a sad copy of the real thing.

One of the ingredients that truly gets a taste boost when eaten at the right time of the year are tomatoes (also one of the ingredients that suffers most from being produced all year long to satisfy our love for red tomatoes). Yesterday we enjoyed one of the best salads of the year, with ripe red tomatoes and wild rocket (arugola) and just a drizzle of olive oil. We are usually generous with the olive oil but when the tomatoes and rocket are so tasty you really don't want to distract them with anything else.

The best possible reminder that eating in season is what it should all be about.

Written on
May 26, 2008
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