
I Modicani - Modica's local paper

The age of the blogosphere and 24 hour news channels has not completely eradicated the need for local newspapers yet. In most areas in the world blogs and other such hypermedia might as well be talking about Mars - they are simply not a factor in local life. And local newspapers have a certain kind of fascination that can be either extremely entertaining or truly informative. Whether they are hidden jewels of journalism or totally oblivious to any journalistic standard they give a unique insight into a place. It may be a highly personalised insight of the one or two people who write all the stories, but nevertheless it is a unique insight and useful to anyone wanting to find out more about an area.

So in honour of such publications here at loveSicily we inaugaurate a new monthly series that will try and provide a synopsis of some of the stories that have made the local newspapers of Ragusa. We start with "I MODICANI" - il FREE PRESS de LA SICILIA (as it says across the title of the front page). Why this one, well we just happen to have picked it up at the bus stop...It is the edition of the 10th of February and it is published every two weeks.

So what are the stories making the news in Modica. Well - front page is just a big picture of Spiderman and the words "L' uomo ragno? Viene da Modica!". No, no don't worry, we are assured in the second page. It's not that Spiderman comes from Modica - rather the father of Sal and John Buscema who are responsible for such Marvel Comins creations as Spiderman and the Avengers comes from Modica. Oh yes... you've heard it hear first. Giovanni Buscema, the father, was born in Modica and moved to the States in the early 1920. The story goes on for another three pages with the rivetting details and a review of their various creations.

Next story - "Il Gran Ponte che Scavalca la Vallata della Fiumara". A comprehensive review of the story behind the famous Ponte Guerrieri - a modern symbol of Modica. The tallest bridge in Europe, apparently.

In their "Personagi di ieri" (personalities of the past) series a look at a leading historian from Modica - Prof. Sipione who has some of the definitive studies of Modica in the middle ages.

On page 16 a snap of Giovanni, a three year old child in fireman gear - his carnival costume.

The we have the "Personagi di oggi"(personalities of today) series, with a look at 'u scarparu of Frigintini - the shoemaker from Frigintini. Don Guirgino, at 74 years old still runs his shop in Frigintini mending shoes and comprehensively convinces us as to the benefits of made to order shoes - rather than the mass market stuff we have to deal with now.

Next - "Storie di casa nostra"(stories of our own home) and this time we have the announcement that Modica will soon have an emergency unit for pets. This is a result of the mobilisation of the locals following the tragic death of kitten. After it was a hit by a car no vet could properly take care of it since there where no emergency facilities. Soon this will be rectified.

As ever, we finish with sports and the promise of the son of the owner of the Modica club that in three years Modica will be in Serie C... as the title of the story says "Il Patron che vuole donarci un sogno". The patron that wants to make a dream come true.... As he has said "In tre anni in Serie C". Part of his unique style: greeting visiting teams courtesously and with some typical sweets from Modica...

Written on
February 22, 2005